Archive for the 'Airline Sales' Category

Air Sales to Greece

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

I just got off the phone with the manager for Olympic Airways Washington office and asked when the sales for Greece are coming… “Why would we put any tickets on Sale, Greece is the hottest thing happening right now!”. If it looks like we’re having trouble filling planes we’ll put some sales out, but there’s […]

American Airlines Sale

Sunday, March 12th, 2006

I was looking for an inexpensive way to get to Greece from RDU in September and decided to check on the direct flight from Raleigh/Durham(NC) to London. I found a fare for about $600 including tax and then found flights from London to Athens for about $220. The $820 including tax is not a bad […]

Olympic Airways Sales to Greece from the US

Sunday, March 12th, 2006

Every year for the past 7 years Olympic Airways has offered a Spring sale to Greece, that covers the shoulder season(April, May and early June) and the peak season(early June to Aug 31). It has always come out by March 1(and then is followed by a series of other sales with the fares going up […]

Sale Fares

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

There are some sales going on to Europe(nothing to Greece as far as I can tell). The sales to Europe that I’m seeing are: American Airlines- April 1 departure and beyond(must be issued my March 31) NON-REFUNDABLE British Air- April 1 departure and beyond(maximum 12 months) NON-REFUNDABLE Iceland Air- Must depart by May 31. Free […]