Archive for the 'Olympic Airlines' Category

Europe’s last national carrier hits turbulence

Sunday, April 9th, 2006

More info on Olympic Airways……. Europe’s last national carrier hits turbulence Helena Smith Sunday April 9, 2006 The Observer What would Aristotle Onassis say? At 30,000 feet, flying from London to Athens on an Olympic Airways plane, and there’s not a crystal glass in site. No sound of a pianist either – de rigueur when […]

Greece threatened with fines over airline

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

Greece threatened with fines over airline The battle continues…. The Greek government is trying to hold onto it’s golden egg(think votes and jobs for friends and relatives) and the European Commission wants them to play by the rules….. The airline should be safe until October…but after that….who knows…. 05 April 2006 14:49 The European Commission […]

Successor to OA is taking shape

Monday, March 20th, 2006

The following article appeared in the Kathemerini Insert of the International Herald Tribune Olympic Airlines, Greece’s troubled national carrier, is to be replaced by a completely stripped-down airline which will be called Pantheon Airways, according to a business plan which has been prepared by the government and was seen by Sunday’s Kathimerini. The new carrier […]

Olympic Airlines deadline

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Greece was yesterday given until the end of the month to present to the European Union a business plan for the future of Olympic Airlines. The extension was granted after Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas met with EU officials in Brussels yesterday. We’ll see how they react…Greeks don’t really like to be told what to […]

Air Sales to Greece

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

I just got off the phone with the manager for Olympic Airways Washington office and asked when the sales for Greece are coming… “Why would we put any tickets on Sale, Greece is the hottest thing happening right now!”. If it looks like we’re having trouble filling planes we’ll put some sales out, but there’s […]

Olympic Airways Sales to Greece from the US

Sunday, March 12th, 2006

Every year for the past 7 years Olympic Airways has offered a Spring sale to Greece, that covers the shoulder season(April, May and early June) and the peak season(early June to Aug 31). It has always come out by March 1(and then is followed by a series of other sales with the fares going up […]

Is Olympic A good Airline to Fly?

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

As time goes on, less and less airlines are “good airlines” to fly. They are all cutting back on costs as fuel skyrockets. Add to that the new security taxes and we’re talking about higher fares and lower service! Olympic is no different…well sort of…. the have a different problem…. but probably the same results. […]