Sale Fares

There are some sales going on to Europe(nothing to Greece as far as I can tell). The sales to Europe that I’m seeing are:

American Airlines- April 1 departure and beyond(must be issued my March 31) NON-REFUNDABLE

British Air- April 1 departure and beyond(maximum 12 months) NON-REFUNDABLE

Iceland Air- Must depart by May 31. Free stopover in Rekjavik- 7 day max. (must return by Aug 14)

USAir- Must depart by March 31(Max 45 Day stay)

You can search through these on websites or you may want to contact the airline directly(sometimes they will offer these sales directly to you- but most often they are sales for their agents. That means they may have better prices for their own sales(if you’ve read anything else I’ve written you’ll know that- Agents are a bit of a thorn in the side of the airlines!)

If you find something, post it here for others to find!

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