things to know when booking...
*Fare is based on your departure date
and the length of time you stay away.
Most of the lower fares have a maximum
of 30 days, but some fares allow 60-90
or even more.
*Larger international airports have lower
fares. If you can get to a large city
inexpensively you will find better fares.
*Fares to Europe are highest in mid-June
to Aug 31..... Lowest in November to March
31(except Christmas).
*April fares are normally higher than
March....May higher than April....and
sometime in the first two weeks of June(depending
on the airline and the departure/destination
cities) the fares move into the PEAK summer
season which means HIGH!!!
*Many travelers try to leave in Early
June(after the children are out of school
and the fares are lower) so it's harder
to get the low fares for these dates.
The same is true for early September as
travelers want to stay as long as possible
but still get back home in time for the
children to start school)
*Check the web sites on the right...sometimes
they will have sale fares that I don't
have(and vice versa)...if you find a low
fare, let me know what it is and I'll
see if I can beat it or send you to a
company that can beat it(usually direct
to the airline)....
I get sale fares i will be posting them
on the Globe Merchant Travel Blog at