the info below to get more info on discount
fares and Holiday Deals!

list of Low Cost European Discount Airlines....
Click here....
good place to get started is to search
the multiple- search engines below....While
the rates are coming up in another browser
window you can explore the rest of the
options on this site! The best way to
get the best rates is to educate yourself!
Merchants' Travel Blog for more travel tips,
hints and updated information...
Airlines weekend Sales Saver....click
has been a terrible year so far for fares
to Europe. Normally there are a series of
sales that start in January and continue through
until the summer(and after). So far- nothing.
To give you an idea of what it's like compared
to 2009. Last year I found flights on Delta
from RDU to Athens for $520 including taxes.
This year I haven't seen anything under $900
for May.
I have flights booked to Greece in June, but
the fare is around $1450 which is astromomical!!
I got a $200 FF miles ticket so I can live
with that fare since the two tickets will
average out to about $850 which isn't bad
for a summer fare.... but.... I'm still hoping
that fares will drop(there are over 80 seats
available on my transatlantic flight to and
from Athens- so I'm holding out to buy my
June ticketes for a few more weeks(if I can-
meaning as long as the seats don't start disappearing
and I might end up have to pay MORE for the
deals primarily with flights to Europe, but I have
also provided information and links to inter-European
flights, hotel accommodations
,auto rentals, Discount
Air Options..
by the fact that the taxes for your flights are as
high as !/3 to !/2 the cost of your ticket...find
out what those taxes
Flights to Europe is a funny market(Read about how
a wholesaler finds your tickets....and why you
shouldn't feel bad that the Airlines are flying half
full and losing money!)... Discount Airlines and low
fares used to be a dime a dozen. Now, the fares are
much higher than they have been in the past and the
sales seem harder to come by. I suggest that you explore
the links, find the lowest fare and come back to me
with your best fare and itinerary. I'll let you know
what I think- If I can sell the tickets for less or
know where you can go to do so, I'll help you out.
If you have the best fare I'll tell you to go ahead
and purchase it.
you concerned about the state of the airlines and
whether you may lose a lot of money if an airline
folds before you travel... read
see links for Expedia, Travelocity, Sidestep,
About the Two Air Hitches(A
Warning!), Air
Hitch(How Air Hitch
works / Air Hitch
Fare Options), Wiki Travel
for information on Discount airlines in Europe and
other low cost discount airline ticketing sitesand
EuRail Europe for Train
info. I would explore those sites as some of their
discounts are excellent. In some cases their discounts
are better than mine, but in other cases I have better
fare. My advantage is that I can search manually for
the best fare while they are automated and cannot.
The airlines are trying to sell the tickets to
you for as much as they can and you are trying to
purchase them for as low a fare as you can- it's a
kind of Airline Poker- with each of you trying to
bluff the other. The airlines want you to think that
the tickets won't be coming down even though they
need the money and don't want you to go fly with someone
else and you want the airlines to think that you're
not going to buy tickets until the fare DOES come
down even though you are afraid that the ticket fares
may go up. The first to blink loses!.(My job is to
help advise you as to whether you should continue
to play or fold!) I can't be positive we're right,
but we can at least look at past trends to get a feeling....
about Failing Airlines?
you're concerned about
the state of the airlines and protecting your investment...
Click here...
Visit the
to Europe Discount Airfare page
Form to
request low fare flights From
the US to Europe....
Car rentals and Hotels
for all of Europe!
Check out the links on the new discount
low cost European airlines page...they can save
you hundreds of dollars in airfare.......
for a phone number or web site for an airline?...click
you for the information. I wish I would have found
you before we booked our tickets. I will be sure
to keep you in mind if I ever need flights again
or if I come across good prices for you to post.
Kindest regards,
Susanne |
Airlines Netsavers
you subscribe to their Netsaver
promotion service,
AA will notify you of
their sale fares by email
as they come out.
It's a good way to catch
a sale early and effortlessly!..
Airways Promotions
you subscribe to their Esaver promotion service,
USAir will notify you of
their sale fares by email
as they come out.
Another good way to catch
a sale early and effortlessly!..
With the state of the
world today, Travel Insurance is a pretty good
investment.... click the banner to investigate
Travel Guard Travel Insurance....

has launched a new program with deals
aimed at getting Americans with family
in Greece, Israel, Poland, Russia and
India back home. The program is open to
everyone at www.WeFlyHome.com
(I checked flights to Greece but didn't
see any great deals, but maybe at other
times or to other countries there may
be some bargains)
Matt Barrett's Greek Travel Site for tons
of FREE information on Greece!